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If you find any information on these pages that is incorrect, please let me know so I can correct it. I am not a meterologist and not an experienced storm chaser so I could be mistaken. The information on these pages are a result of research and interviews and is, by such, second hand information.

Please let me know if you experience any bugs, weird crashes, long load times etc. on this website. I need information on when they occur and how I can reproduce the error so the more you can tell me about the error, the better.

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3 Responses
  1. Bobby

    Storm chasing: Just wondering if Tradd stormchasing tours has closed up or went out of business. They had no phone and I emailed them several times and no ansawered

  2. Christoffer

    I have not heard from Tradd in ages either. The way some of tour operator works is that they are to a large extent depending on the tour owner himself and the circumstances in his life. Without having an idea what is going on with Tradd I would speculate that circumstances (like not having time) has led them to stop the tours etc. Since the website is down as well I will set them as inactive. Thanks for the feedback!

  3. Clem

    Has Storm Tours gone out of business? They have trips scheduled on their website out of OKC, but they are not listed on your site?

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