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Most recent reviews

This is a list of the most recently published reviews ordered by date. Note that there could be reviews of older tours as well.

Review of Epic April - Tour 1 - 10 Days (2024) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written June 16, 2024 by Tania

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

I came over from New Zealand for my first ever storm chase and wow what an epic experience. Erik and his team certainly knew their stuff and their excitement was infectious. He certainly picked the right storms to chase. Driving for hours under a blue sky was the norm, sometimes you’d have to wait for a bit before boom the storms came to life right before your eyes right where Erik said they would be. We chose to do the Prime Intensity 4A 10 day tour to maximise our chances of seeing something. Well we saw plenty of action. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better Erik would have us at another destination in time to see some more magic unfold. We saw tornados, an epic hail storm in Colorado, a dust storm, crazy lightning storms and standing in the powerful inflows was incredible. The accommodation was clean and reasonable with most hotels having a breakfast although a brunch at a nearby diner was often done. Some nights we didn’t get to the hotel until 2 am and when this happened we didn’t check out until 11 the next morning which was good and needed. Doing this 10 day tour we knew there would be a lot of driving involved, we covered 4407 miles or 7092 km driving through Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas and Colorado. I highly recommend this tour, it’s well organised, friendly and they are very knowledgeable.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Tour 3 - The Extreme - 7 Days (2024) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written June 5, 2024 by Pete

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

tl;dr: Erik is a fantastic storm chasing guide and I would tour with him again without question. All-in-all this was a tremendous experience. Not everything was perfect but I would still recommend Erik and his team if you want a fun exploration and storm chasing adventure. The plusses: Erik is a great host and excellent guide. Unfortunately, there weren't any tornadoes to see on our seven-day tour. However, we chased five of the seven days and on each of those days Erik found a severe warned storm. On the first day, we latched on to the only tornado warned storm in the southern Great Plains. Travelling way down in southwest Texas, Erik put us on a supercell in the desert: a fantastic sight. And, on the last day, Erik's expertise placed us on a monster storm on the Kansas/Oklahoma border. Erik gave us a comprehensive briefing every morning and kept us up-to-date throughout the day. It was amazing to see him forecast on the fly and with great accuracy. We had a great group. Five of the eight had toured with Erik before. That's all the recommendation you need. For foodies, this is the storm chasing trip to choose! Erik seems to know (or finds) the best places to eat across the Plains. As a vegetarian, it was a little more difficult for me but Erik did his best to accommodate. It was harder for the vegan in our group. But, that's just a function of eating in the U.S. Great Plains. The vans were comfortable and we had a computer screen to follow radar and other data. Erik also showed videos and acted as DJ. It was more difficult in van 2 as we only had a driver and no guide to manage the laptop etc. The OKs: accommodation was comfortable and (for the most part) clean. One or two guests had a few issues but that's down to the hotels not the tour company. And on one night we did have to stay in lesser accommodation due to college graduations. Travelling and waiting: no two ways about it, you have to like or tolerate travelling vast distances (we did over 2600 miles in seven days) in a van, as well as waiting at truck stops or whatever for storms to develop. But that's part of the experience of storm chasing, and it meant we were always well placed to pick up storms as they developed. It was also nice to travel through smalltown America, not sticking to the interstate. I never knew there were so many grain elevators. On our final chase, we did have a nice wait in a city park in Anthony, KS (big town: two grain elevators). The not-so-goods: we chased well into the evening which meant we sometimes ate very late and didn't get to our hotel until midnight. There were some days when I would have gladly skipped the meal and gone straight to bed. Again, this is part of the storm chasing experience. The could be improved: the communication between vans could have been better. Our driver was on his first tour (he was an experienced storm and hurricane chaser) and was sometimes in the dark as to where we going or what the plan was. I know this was discussed with Erik by others and he plans to improve this for future tours. Also, I would prefer that drivers don't use their mobile phones when driving.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Epic April - Tour 1 - 10 Days (2024) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written May 30, 2024 by Nsomnya

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

Third year with these guys and I learn more each year. Over three years I have seen over 20 tornadoes. Smaller groups gives you more one on one with guides and more of an opportunity to learn. Highly recommend.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Epic April - Tour 1 - 10 Days (2024) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written May 29, 2024 by Bob Heidenreich

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

I had an amazing and educational experience Erik and his team we very knowledgeable about how storms are predicted. They put us on several storms that weren’t even warned by SPC. It’s not just about tornadoes, we experienced a Derechio, high winds, large hail, amazing lightning, watched and followed storms from their birth to full blown tornadoes. This was my first chase ever and I’m going again late this season and again next year. The days can get long but never a dull moment, we changed vans and seat positions daily so everyone got a well rounded experience. Great people, Lifelong friends.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Epic April - Tour 1 - 10 Days (2024) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written May 19, 2024 by Martin

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

Awesome week, forceasting really excellent, we were on every storm that mattered and alone on some awesome, every day was fun ...highly reccomended

Read the entire review here.

Review of Epic April - Tour 1 - 10 Days (2024) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written May 10, 2024 by Casey B

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

The TE Team are top notch, genuine people. With weather, there’s only so much you can do to make things worthwhile when it’s not going your way. The TE team made sure to make every day, even those that weren’t “cooperating”, worthwhile. We visited unique places and learned some fascinating things while we waited for weather conditions to heat up. Erik and team were knowledgeable weather and non-weather, and made sure we followed along. Each evening ended almost ceremoniously as a team and we went through plans for the next day. Then comes the chase. We were fortunate enough to be on a tour with a major tornado outbreak. Erik and team were with us every step, showing us radar, velocities, models, and everything that comes with it. We read the storms through and through as a group. And when it really heated up, the drivers made sure we were where we needed to be in a safe manner. Never compromising safety, but doing their best to keep up with the ever-changing weather. I can’t commend the drivers enough for the long miles and late nights. There are plenty of tours out there. But consider the options when it comes to true, personal experiences. How comfortable will you be? What will you learn? Where will you be when the weather isn’t “cooperating”? From my experience, TE checks all of those boxes on the positive side. This is my first storm chasing experience, but it won’t be my last with TE.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Tour #1 (2022) by ExtremAtmosfera

Written November 20, 2023 by Madalena Pinto Basto


've been with Bruno and Henrique for two years. And I'm going back in 2024. Of course I recommend it! This time it will be 15 days, which will give more chances of seeing storms. I always felt safe on the hunt, they are always prudent. We've already met Reedtimmer, which means we're in the right places. Thank you for the beautiful moments, where in one of them I saw a tornado live for the first time. The car is good, very comfortable and spacious.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Extreme Instability - Tour 5 - 7 Days (2023) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written August 18, 2023 by Jack Williamson

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

Great tour led by Erik and his team. Extremely knowledgable and made the whole trip an enjoyable experience.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Upslope Supercells - Tour 6 - 6 Days (2023) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written August 18, 2023 by Bev B

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

I joined Tours 6 and 7 this year and both were fantastic. I’m from Australia, so I decided to do 2 consecutive tours, to make the most of my time over in the USA chasing. I am so very glad I did. I met Erik and both sets of different drivers on the different tours and they were all fantastic. I was the only person on each tour who hadn’t been with Tornadic Expeditions before, so if that doesn’t say enough about Erik and his team, I don’t know what does. I highly recommend these guys and wouldn’t go with any other company. They were extremely approachable, answered everyone’s questions, and there were no dumb questions. On any down days, we went sightseeing, but to be honest I can’t remember if we actually had an. Over both tours we saw 16 tornados and lots of stunning lightning shows. If you’re thinking of booking with them, do it sooner rather than later as they book out well in advance. If I could afford it, I’d go for the whole season each year! These guys know where to chase!

Read the entire review here.

Review of Epic April - Tour 1 - 10 Days (2023) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written August 18, 2023 by Laurent

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

Although it was my first time chasing in the tornado alley, I was already a weather enthousiast when I embarked on the journey with Tornadic Expeditions. These guys are experts and their tour is super on the chasing part. I learned so much from them, they were really patient answering all my technical questions. We had the chance to observe 3 tornados during our 7 day tour. And chased almost everyday. We saw some incredible cloud structures and lightning shows. I highly recommend!

Read the entire review here.

Review of Anticipated Velocity Voyage Tour (Tour 4) (2023) by Extreme Tornado Tours

Written July 27, 2023 by Tim George

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Although a relatively quite week this year on the storm front, there were some great storms around NM and TX that ETT hunted down, despite nothing outrageous forecasted. We did however see at least 1/2 dozen magical supercells, fierce hail storms and even some tornados on a low risk last day of chasing. Don't waste your money elsewhere, go with experience and quality rather than cheap and nasty, put your trust in Extreme Tornado Tours for your next adventure!

Read the entire review here.

Review of Anticipated Velocity Voyage Tour (Tour 4) (2023) by Extreme Tornado Tours

Written July 27, 2023 by Meghan P

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This is my second trip with ETT, as I previously chased with Tour 1 in 2022. I didn't think that it could get much better than last year's experience, until I went on Tour 6 in 2023. This trip was especially memorable because we saw a tornado on the very first chase day (near Higgins, TX), which set everyone's mood at an all-time high. Time and time again, the guides worked hard to find interesting weather events for us to experience. I truly loved seeing a massive mothership supercell near Springfield, CO and a crazy hail storm near Chugwater, WY. Go with an open mind, and try to see the beauty in all things! It isn't just about the tornadoes - you will experience some of the most beautiful (and remote) parts of the US. You will also make new friends on the tour, and our group has grown exceptionally close over the last few weeks. Please be advised that this is not meant to be a fancy tour with fine dining and 5-star accommodations every night. That is NOT what chasing is about, nor should it be. If that is what you are expecting, then be sure to manage your own expectations for the tour. Many of the places that you will chase are in rural areas with limited hotel options. There were only two hotels out of eight chase days/nights that I found to be subpar; the other hotels, such as the Candlewood Suites and the Best Western Premier, were excellent! As for the food options, the guides do a great job finding 'hidden gems' - with that said, if you are in chase mode or if it is late at night then your options may be limited. I would plan to pack a few snacks to hold you over in the event that you are chasing a storm with no time to stop and eat a sit down meal. The guides will definitely stop for bathroom breaks at gas stations where you can grab food and drinks. For down days (non-chase days) you may end up at a Wal-Mart or grocery store where you can stock up on essentials. You will also get to visit some interesting places when there are not any storms to chase. For example, our group went to Lookout Mountain in Golden, CO; the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial; followed the Yellow Brick Road to Dorothy's house in Liberal, KS; and paid our respects to Tim, Carl and Paul at the Twistex Memorial in El Reno, OK.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Epic April - Tour 1 - 7 Days (2022) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written June 1, 2023 by Ciaran G (Ireland)

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

My first chase tour; my expectations were we would see some mad weather but would be dependent on mother nature. In reality, it exceeded my expectations. While we didn't get to see a full on tornedo on my week/tour, got to see/experience everything else, coming from Ireland, the thunderstorms we got to chase most days were epic, the lightning intensity, the large hail we had to shelter in a steel shed was epic (the noise alone!). Felt safe at all times but was surprised AND DELIGHTED how close we could get to these systems, had situations where we were under a storm cloud where we could hear the hail in the cloud + getting behind a storm where the wind inflow was (must have been 100kph+ ... as it was like storms on west cost of Ireland) + seeing the circulations/spinning clouds where a tornedo would emerge (or tried to). Dusk/nightime lightning storms usually ended the chase days which was magic. The tour was much more than weather/chase; being from Ireland, it was a fantastic road trip to boot; travelled 2500 miles in 1 week across Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas through varied landscapes and towns/cities; highlight being San Antonio where we had a few hours to spare. Would never in a million years get to see/stay in these places in a week. And then there was the food/dining; what an experience... steak house (72lb steak special in Amarillo) to tex-mex to some mad (in a good way) diners; Erik knew where all the good places were to go in the towns/areas we landed in. Ours was the first Tour1 so was with a couple from Chicago, and got on great and were there for the reason and expectations (just added to the experience). There will be another trip for me; probably 2024, will be with Erik/team for certain, may just go for later tour which is in the northern plains; just to see another part of the states. If you are comin form Ireland, let me know!

Read the entire review here.

Review of May Madness - Tour 2 - 7 Days (2023) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written June 1, 2023 by Review of May Madness - Tornadic Expeditions

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

I recently completed Tour #2 (April 29th - May 7th, 2023) with Tornadic Expeditions. It was a fantastic experience, one that I would highly recommend to anyone who has an interest in tornado chasing. This tour originated in Oklahoma City and took us to locations throughout Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas. Tour Director Erik Burns and his colleague Conor O'Leary were extremely professional and knowledgeable, not only about Tornado chasing, but the science involved in mapping and responding to changing weather patterns. This experience would be appropriate for seasoned chasers and novices alike. If you are looking for a relaxing experience, this may not be the experience for you as you are "on the move", particularly on chase days, which typically last until late in the evening. On days where a chase did not occur, these were definitely not "down days" as we toured, state parks, and visited monuments that guests thoroughly enjoyed. Attention to detail was also a hallmark of the experience as our accommodations were comfortable when we were not chasing. Likewise the touring vans we used were comfortable and climate controlled that enhanced the enjoyment of the experience, especially when driving longer distances. I really appreciated having a small group of chasers (4 + two guides) during our adventure as it allowed us to have our questions answered about weather patterns and tornados. Because of their experience in chasing, Erik and his team have also mapped out all of the great dining venues, that would appeal to everyone's tastes - We ate very well! Erik and his team also held an orientation prior to our expedition, where they explained much of the terminology and the nuances of storm chasing. It would have been helpful to perhaps had some a "chase pack" that supported the material discussed during the orientation, as there was a lot to remember. It was never a concern because Erik and Conor were quick to answer our questions.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Tour 2 (2023) by Extreme Tornado Tours

Written May 29, 2023 by Christoffer Björkwall

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The weather setup for this tour was not very good, we had the infamous Omega Block against us for the 6 days of the tour. Still, ETT tour guides managed to get the best out of what was available within reach for us during those days: a few supercells, giant hail, some amazing lightning shows and a supercell with a massive wall cloud that was very close to produce a tornado. Everything, from booking the tour to the goodbyes felt professional, clear, and safe. It is obvious ETT has been running tours for many years! I have been chasing with a majority of the tour companies in the market and ETT is definitely a top tier tour company. That shows, when you have very little weather to play with - and the tour guests are still content all of the time. Read my blog review for some more detail.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Epic April - Tour 1 - 10 Days (2007) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written October 22, 2022 by Ciaran G (Ireland)

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

My first chase tour; my expectations were we would see some mad weather but would be dependent on mother nature. In reality, it exceeded my expectations. While we didn't get to see a full on tornedo on my week/tour, got to see/experience everything else, coming from Ireland, the thunderstorms we got to chase most days were epic, the lightning intensity, the large hail we had to shelter in a steel shed was epic (the noise alone!). Felt safe at all times but was surprised AND DELIGHTED how close we could get to these systems, had situations where we were under a storm cloud where we could hear the hail in the cloud + getting behind a storm where the wind inflow was (must have been 100kph+ ... as it was like storms on west cost of Ireland) + seeing the circulations/spinning clouds where a tornedo would emerge (or tried to). Dusk/nightime lightning storms usually ended the chase days which was magic. The tour was much more than weather/chase; being from Ireland, it was a fantastic road trip to boot; travelled 2500 miles in 1 week across Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas through varied landscapes and towns/cities; highlight being San Antonio where we had a few hours to spare. Would never in a million years get to see/stay in these places in a week. And then there was the food/dining; what an experience... steak house (72lb steak special in Amarillo) to tex-mex to some mad (in a good way) diners; Erik knew where all the good places were to go in the towns/areas we landed in. Ours was the first Tour1 so was with a couple from Chicago, and got on great and were there for the reason and expectations (just added to the experience). There will be another trip for me; probably 2024, will be with Erik/team for certain, may just go for later tour which is in the northern plains; just to see another part of the states. If you are comin form Ireland, let me know!

Read the entire review here.

Review of Epic April - Tour 1 - 10 Days (2022) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written October 22, 2022 by ChasingStormsNotWomen

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

Erik was a lot of fun and very personable and very helpful and even though chasing storms is an adventure he took it seriously to make sure that everyone's experience will be a very memorable one! Highly recommend tornadic expeditions

Read the entire review here.

Review of Anticipated Velocity Voyage Tour (Tour 4) (2022) by Extreme Tornado Tours

Written October 22, 2022 by Extreme Weather

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Five star review! It really felt like our guides were out storm chasing and jus let us tag along. We have not had two good chase days, but saw an excellent tornado on one of them. Our guides did an great job of briefing us on the weather and the possibilities. On the day of the tornado, we ended up driving nearly 600 miles but we were in exactly the right spot at the right time. On off days, our guides took us to different national parks. We are at several excellent restaurants and at a number of fast food restaurants when we were in a rush. I would highly recommend ETT. My one caveat is that this tour is for people who love extreme weather. When there was a possibility of a good storm, we would chase it until we were sure it was gone. Several nights we were out until quite late. This is exactly what we wanted.

Read the entire review here.

Review of Epic April - Tour 1 - 10 Days (2022) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written October 22, 2022 by Ciaran G (Ireland)

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

My first chase tour; my expectations were we would see some mad weather but would be dependent on mother nature. In reality, it exceeded my expectations. While we didn't get to see a full on tornedo on my week/tour, got to see/experience everything else, coming from Ireland, the thunderstorms we got to chase most days were epic, the lightning intensity, the large hail we had to shelter in a steel shed was epic (the noise alone!). Felt safe at all times but was surprised AND DELIGHTED how close we could get to these systems, had situations where we were under a storm cloud where we could hear the hail in the cloud + getting behind a storm where the wind inflow was (must have been 100kph+ ... as it was like storms on west cost of Ireland) + seeing the circulations/spinning clouds where a tornedo would emerge (or tried to). Dusk/nightime lightning storms usually ended the chase days which was magic. The tour was much more than weather/chase; being from Ireland, it was a fantastic road trip to boot; travelled 2500 miles in 1 week across Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas through varied landscapes and towns/cities; highlight being San Antonio where we had a few hours to spare. Would never in a million years get to see/stay in these places in a week. And then there was the food/dining; what an experience... steak house (72lb steak special in Amarillo) to tex-mex to some mad (in a good way) diners; Erik knew where all the good places were to go in the towns/areas we landed in. Ours was the first Tour1 so was with a couple from Chicago, and got on great and were there for the reason and expectations (just added to the experience). There will be another trip for me; probably 2024, will be with Erik/team for certain, may just go for later tour which is in the northern plains; just to see another part of the states. If you are comin form Ireland, let me know!

Read the entire review here.

Review of May Madness - Tour 2 - 7 Days (2022) by Tornadic Expeditions

Written October 22, 2022 by jmandak

tornadic expeditions storm chasing

This was my wife's 60th birthday present to me. Had chased with another tour company nine years prior and had a good time, but Erik Burns and Nick Busby took things to another level. My wife went in dubious, doubtful and, quite frankly, pretty afraid of what we'd experience and came home a believer. She felt safe and secure once she realized Nick and crew understood the science of storm-chasing. We chased 6 tornadoes and several supercells and had a great time. I expect to do another tour with them in the next 3 years or so.

Read the entire review here.

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