
Many new cool features in

By | July 4, 2024 | 0 Comments screendump

I have spent far too much time since April developing new features on I started off doing so before my own chasecation, then while on the tour. I was supposed to stop afterwards but used the app quite extensively during my own chase, and realized many new things that would be interesting as well […]

Day 10: Worst. Hobby. Ever.

By | May 23, 2024 | 0 Comments

Day 10 was our last chase day and we once again woke up in San Angelo, TX, and this morning we knew we would not be in a rush as the storms would be firing along the TX/OK border a few hours north of us. It was close to 90 degrees F (~33 degrees C) […]

Day 9: Out of reach of tornadoes in Texas

By | May 22, 2024 | 0 Comments

We woke up in Wichita and the forecast had shifted the area further south than anticipated so we had to cancel the restaurant breakfast to get into central Texas in time. Once again we found ourselves racing towards getting into position in time with the usual gas stop food and snacks for lunch. The last […]

Day 8: Why we were not in Iowa

By | May 21, 2024 | 0 Comments

I believe this Tuesday was marked down as a risk day already as a “Day 5” in SPC (I may be mistaken) but all parameters pointed early on as this was going to be a day of great potential for long-lived strong tornadoes. The main issue was however that the storms were likely to be […]

Day 7: Possible tornado after dark

By | May 20, 2024 | 0 Comments

Once again we woke up to a 5% tornado risk, and in one of my favorite regions in Tornado Alley, northwest Kansas/east Colorado. I have been quite lucky in that general area before and it offers amazing visibility. The road network could sometimes be a hassle but considering how flat the landscape is, I once […]

Day 6: Too early, too late

By | May 19, 2024 | 0 Comments

Starting off in Pueblo, Colorado in the morning our target for the day was central Kansas. The SPC had put a Moderate risk for the area, but only 5% tornado risk as the general threat was wind. The initiation of storms were not supposed to be until later in the afternoon but the storms fired […]

Day 5: Great Sand Dunes, Colorado

By | May 18, 2024 | 0 Comments

This was our second down day but the possible chances of thunderstorms were in Colorado so that’s where we headed. The couple of days afterwards should be active in Kansas so we were mainly positioning for those days ahead. It feels good that we will have some active days ahead! The drive up on I-25 […]

Day 4: Carlsbad Caverns

By | May 17, 2024 | 0 Comments

If I look at my chase trip as a football game, we just went into halftime break now, with two down days coming up. The first half has been pretty ok with supercells and rotating wall clouds but we have been far from a tornado (no storm we have been on has been tornado warned, […]

Day 3: Messy supercells in Texas

By | May 16, 2024 | 0 Comments

My jetlag is not really letting go of me and I woke up at 4:30 AM. This was in fact a bit convenient because I had an interview scheduled with a UK based journalist from USA Today who are making an article about storm chasing. So, I started off the day with responding to questions […]

Day 2: Underneath a rotating wall cloud

By | May 15, 2024 | 0 Comments

I woke up early (why is jetlag always worst the second day?!) only to realize we had been having a 7th passenger in the vehicle yesterday! Buried between two toes I had a tic. This was just 24 hours after Peter’s morning briefing about safety and spraying your feet with bug spray to avoid…tics. Yuck. […]

Day 1: You can’t beat the Kansas scenery

By | May 14, 2024 | 0 Comments

As I mentioned, this week should start of slow but at least not inactive. Today was a meager looking day, SPC did have a 5% tornado risk…in Florida!…but in our reachable area we only had a Marginal risk and 0% tornado risk to play with, but there were at least prospects of thunderstorms. Considering that […]

Arriving in OKC – not as a zombie!

By | May 13, 2024 | 0 Comments

It feels really great to finally be on my way again. I have landed in OKC now after a very pleasant flight. When I travel from Sweden to the USA I always fly really early in the morning and arrive in the evening in OKC. This typically means getting up at ~2-3 AM to get […]

Chasing with StormGroup Chasers in 2024

By | February 28, 2024 | 0 Comments

This winter has been very tough for me on a personal level but I am finally looking forward towards the spring and summer – and with that my storm chasing trips in May. This year I will be chasing with StormGroup Chasers is a non-profit tour operator that I have been in contact with for […]

What is your opinion about my storm map application?

By | June 28, 2023 | 1 Comment

Almost two years ago I started working on StormCenter (formerly named StormWindow), a web application where you can explore and analyze storms, tornadoes and storm chaser activity in the last 24 hours. You can see photos, videos chasers have posted as well as zooming in on a specific time and location. See who was close […]

Chasing with Extreme Tornado Tours

By | May 17, 2023 | 0 Comments

Chasing with Extreme Tornado Tours (ETT) was a long awaited trip for me. I was originally scheduled to go with ETT in 2020 but could not go because of Covid. It was not until this year (2023) I could finally go – after the longest hiatus I have had in storm chasing since 2009-2013. For […]

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