If I look at my chase trip as a football game, we just went into halftime break now, with two down days coming up. The first half has been pretty ok with supercells and rotating wall clouds but we have been far from a tornado (no storm we have been on has been tornado warned, despite heavy rotation).

For the first day of this halftime break we decided to go to New Mexico to visit Carlsbad Caverns. I had been there once before but it was quite nice to get back there. The cave system is spectacular in its size and the types of rock formations within. It really stands out to be in semi-darkness in an enclosed space when you spend so much time out in the wide open spaces on the Prairie. It really is a fascinating place and well worth a visit if you are in the vicinity.

We stayed the night in Roswell, NM. The Alien capital of the USA. It’s always kind of fun to visit these gimmicky towns and Roswell is no exception.

I have spent quite some time during this trip to add new features to StormCenter.app. It is quite nice to sit in the back and work on this special storm project of mine!

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