We have been jumping back and forth between Kansas and Nebraska during the day and practically seen nothing. We had a quick stop by a local attraction – The World’s Largest Ball of Twine (!). It felt like we had given up on the hope of seeing some storm when we suddenly picked up something on the radar, that grew more and more interesting. The whole crowd, that had been loud and laughing all day, got silent and the the excitement was tangible.

We went up a small gravel road that went all the way to the horizon, ending up with a church. Behind it, the sun was beginning to set and a so called wall cloud was hovering underneath a storm cloud. Wall clouds can, under favorable conditions, produce a tornado but this one was not in the mood today unfortunately. Despite this, the week has started off really well, better than Tour #2 were doing for its two weeks, so we are happy.

Now, we have just had some Pizza Hut in a restaurant in the middle of nowhere and we are off to look at some lightning in the night.

Some photos from today:

A lot of “scud” – clouds on low altitude. The storm itself stretches quite far up above.
we got cows
Flying cows! The cloud behind is scud as well but happens to look a bit like a tornado/funnel cloud. This particular cloud was actually reported in as a tornado from some spotter.
tour group cloud 9
The tour group

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