

Day 7: Possible tornado after dark

Once again we woke up to a 5% tornado risk, and in one of my favorite regions in Tornado Alley, northwest Kansas/east Colorado. I have been quite lucky in that general area before and it offers amazing visibility. The road network could sometimes be a hassle but considering how flat the landscape is, I once...
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Day 5: Great Sand Dunes, Colorado

This was our second down day but the possible chances of thunderstorms were in Colorado so that’s where we headed. The couple of days afterwards should be active in Kansas so we were mainly positioning for those days ahead. It feels good that we will have some active days ahead! A peculiar backyard in a...
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red rock colorado

Day 9 (June 4th) – National parks in Colorado

After our photo session in the dark, photographing stars, we went back to the same national park (Black Canyon of Gunnison) the next day. It was cool to see everything in the light again and what we did not see last night was how amazing the view was! Amazing and frightening!  Black Canyon is home to...
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star sky and tree

Day 7 & 8 (June 2nd & 3rd) – Down days with Weather Adventures

As we came in at 2 a.m. after our last chase day it was nice to really be able to sleep in on Day 7, which was my transition day between Silver Lining Tours and Weather Adventures. I will write a complete review of Silver Lining Tours later on but I had a good time...
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öresundsbron rain

Storm chasing season 2018 begins…

It has been quite a busy May for me with an amazing family trip to Italy leaving me only with three days to re-pack and get ready for my 2018 chasecation. My plan was to dig a lot deeper into forecasting this season and I did read the Tim Vasquez “Storm forecasting”-book but not more...
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rope out tornado wyoming

Day 10: Multiple tornadoes in three different states

Just like a couple of other days this year, June 12th started off looking really great. All storm related parameters were super high but there was a great risk of all the storms firing at the same time, causing a big mess that would erode the entire day – just like May 26th last year. The...
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rain showers

Day 3: Hiking in the Rocky Mountains

Early on this day David made a forecast and we realized that there would be very meager storms at best within a 3 hour drive (i.e. 6 hours in total) so we decided to call it a Down Day and go up hiking in the mountains instead, in Rocky Mountain National Park. There was a...
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mammatus over Campo Colorado

Day 4 – Chasing with content in Campo, CO

I woke up content but also a wee bit hungover from the celebration last night. For the fourth day in a row we had an SPC Slight Risk with 5% tornado risk to chase. This time in the Oklahoma panhandle and southeast Colorado. Since we already were in the same area (Shamrock, TX) we treated...
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Day 12 – Photogenic storms

Day 12 turned out to be a classic Storm Chase-day. We went to Colorado in the morning and drove toward a promising storm, but the roads were not in the same direction as the storm so we got behind and inside the storm again, which meant rain and poor visibility. Fortunately, the storms pops up...
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Day 5 – Rocky mountains

On Day 3, we learned how storms work. Today we learned that storms are not always reliable. In the morning we hurried up early from Colby, KS, to go to the Colorado plains. These plains seemed the most likely to create storms today, which basically means: The air needs to be moist so that clouds...
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